Introduction: Sony Cyber-Shot Battery Door Improvement

This instructable came because of problem. I deliver been bestowed a Sony Cyber-Shot tv camera. The camera is great except that information technology has two irritation design flaws. The battery and card threshold's door latch is extremely flimsy and the door tends to simply fly assimilative when you to the lowest degree expect it. This combined with a weak battery hook makes information technology a disaster waiting to hap. The few times I secondhand information technology, I ended-improving having to get the battery off the floor. Annoying to say the least.

I tried searching on the cyberspace and it seems this is a common problem. And since I put on't think using tape is an elegant solution, I set out to o'er-engineer something that is a bit Sir Thomas More elegant.

Granted, the materials I in use are not the best and the design could benefit from a some improvements. But the essential details are there and the design is solid enough for daily use.

Step 1: Required Materials

For this propose, you will involve the pursuit:

  • 1x spit depressor muscle (thick Popsicle stick)
  • 1x 1/4 20 smack

And the following tools:

  • 1x 1/4 inch drill
  • 1 public utility company knife
  • 1 pencil
  • sandpaper
  • a metal hacksaw
  • a metal file
  • whatever else you feel you involve to pose the job through with

Dance step 2: Marking the Hole Position

Just lay the camera on its noncurrent along a table and put the tongue depressor next to the tripod socket yap.

Employ the pencil to bu mark the location of the hole.

The use a ruler to mark the central location of where the trap is located.

Take the drill and make a hole roughly in the center of the lingua depressor. This is not rocket science to conscionable get onto as close to the sum as you feel.

Step 3: Trace Television camera Contour

Like a sho use the bolt to fix the clappe depressor to the tv camera and use a pencil to mark its outline

Step 4: Cut the Ends With the Proper Profile

Now using the utility knife (or any other tool) to cut the knife depressor to the correct profile, fit it on the camera.

You will notice that the stick will block the door hinge. Mark where the hinge goes and take off some wood to make it fit.

You power need to file the head of the make off too. If the dash is too long, rightful abridged it shorter with the hacksaw.

And there you have it, a at once foolproof battery threshold latch. You just need to colorize it black like the camera.

To open the door, you merely rotate the young base to production line the notch with the hinge and then open the door latch.

Now this is just a proofread of concept design that can beryllium greatly improved exploitation better materials. But still, it clay very functional.

Happening future improvements, I probably would put the notch on the front so that I don't rich person to deal with loosening the screw before opening the bottom. I would also make the screw permanent in the right set. I would add a chit on the short side of the camera to prevent counter rotation. And possibly make a set of small holes for the loudspeaker system. And maybe make it out of aluminum or plastic...

Those are all options I think are worth exploring.

If only Sony could sell such a gadget...

I promise you enjoyed this instructable.

And if anyone decides to manufacture a similar product, make trustworthy I beat a written matter ;-)

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